Switching Item Slots - League of Legends - neoseeker.com re: Switching Item Slots Not at all, I was hoping that's what the post would be about so we could get some discussion out of it. I always put my health potions on 3 and mana on 4, and wards on 5 or 6. League Of Legends Team Slots - youngamericanfurniture.com He even cooks for himself, usually grilling ribs, steak and chicken, without the use of a personal chef as many superstars have.GREENJ0KER Member poker room twin river 02-18-2013 I have a suggestion for the item slots. league of legends team slots Corpus Christi Poker why are adcs allowed 10 items slots? - League of Legends Message... For League of Legends on the PC, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "why are adcs allowed 10 items slots?".
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League of Legends Designers Say an Item Slot for Control ... Adding an item slot solely for Control Wards is an idea that’s been suggested to the League of Legends designers more than a few times, but it doesn’t appear to be a feature that’ll be added ... Item | League of Legends Wiki | FANDOM powered by Wikia First, most consumable items may be stacked, allowing duplicates items to occupy the same item slot up to a cap. Secondly, consumable items may be expended to perform a specific function, permanently removing that item from the champion's inventory. +2 Item slots - League of Legends Community This won't affect the "wards or item" strategy as allowing only 1 ward to stack on the extra slot will not be enough to ward areas and ward stacking will still be more beneficial. Also, this will allow players to carry 6 wards with only one slot taken, instead of 5 so, more wards = more map awareness = better game.
How would the game look like if instead of 6 item slots, we had 10 ...
2- And with more slots, those decisions become even more important. 3- The 6 item limitation came from the warcraft 3 engine, it wasn't some intricate part of the dota game. You also ignored the best reason for more slots: 4vs5 games. In a long enough game, 5 bad players can beat 4 excellent players just because the 4 hit a plateau once they ...
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More item slots?! - boards.euw.leagueoflegends.com More item slots?! Snowman Arc (EUNE) submitted in Suggestions & Bug Reports. Alright, I have this crazy idea that might be kinda overpowered, maybe not. So many times, a game goes to like 50 minutes, and the main carries are probably full build at that time. All the extra gold goes to nothing pretty much. Inventory slots - League of Legends Community Jan 03, 2011 · Inventory slots. It's becaue of the WC3 Engine. In DotA you ´could also have just 6 Items. ADC's need more slots, or some big item changes - League
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More item slots - League of Legends Community Welcome to the Forum Archive! Years of conversation fill a ton of digital pages, and we've kept all of it accessible to browse or copy over. Whether you're looking for reveal articles for older champions, or the first time that Rammus rolled into an "OK" thread, or anything in between, you can find it here.
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