captura, capturar o capturista de datos | WordReference Forums Jan 18, 2010 · gain control of or exert influence over: an ad that captured our attention; a TV show that captured 30% of the prime-time audience. take possession of, as in a game or contest: to capture a pawn in chess. represent or record in lasting form: The movie succeeded in capturing the atmosphere of Berlin in the 1930s. 5.Computers. a. prime-time - Translation into Italian - examples English It is all the more regrettable, then, that this issue, too, is being discussed just before midnight once again, whilst other supposedly 'important' issues receive prime-time slots in this House. È pertanto ancora più increscioso il fatto che quest'Assemblea affronti nuovamente il tema poco prima di mezzanotte, mentre ad altre presunte questioni "importanti" riservi le fasce orarie migliori .
prime definição | Dicionário inglês definição | Reverso
Google Переводчик Бесплатный сервис Google позволяет мгновенно переводить слова, фразы и веб-страницы с английского на более чем 100 языков и обратно. prime - Traducción al español – Linguee Sugerir como traducción de “prime“. adjetivo (adverbio: primely, primly)—. primera adj f.These programs have to compete with. [...] entertainment programs in prime time.
Prime | Traductor de inglés a español - SpanishDict
prime-time - Translation into Italian - examples English ... It is all the more regrettable, then, that this issue, too, is being discussed just before midnight once again, whilst other supposedly 'important' issues receive prime-time slots in this House. È pertanto ancora più increscioso il fatto che quest'Assemblea affronti nuovamente il tema poco prima di mezzanotte, mentre ad altre presunte questioni "importanti" riservi le fasce orarie migliori . Shannon Bream To Fill Prime-Time Slot With ‘Fox News ... Shannon Bream will serve as the host of Fox News Channel’s new prime-time show “Fox News @Night” in the 11 p.m. ET slot. Bream’s new show comes as part of Fox News Channel’s new lineup and is scheduled to begin airing on the same night Laura Ingraham’s new show debuts, October 30. McGinty to get prime-time speaking slot at Dems ... (Philadelphia) -- Democrat Katie McGinty is getting a prime-time speaking slot at the party's national convention in her native Philadelphia as she aims to knock off Pennsylvania's Republican U.S ...
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traducción prime time en espanol, diccionario Ingles - Espanol, definición, consulte también 'prime',prime cost',prime factor',prime minister' Traducción Context Conjugador Sinónimos Corrección Diccionario colaborativo ... Traducción prime español | Diccionario inglés | Reverso traducción prime en espanol, diccionario Ingles - Espanol, definición, consulte también 'prime cost',prime factor',prime minister',prime ministership' Traducción Context Conjugador Sinónimos Corrección Diccionario colaborativo ... Traducir prime time del inglés al español: Diccionario Cambridge
Traducir la palabra primo en Inglés. Los idiomas del dictionario son Español- Inglés: primo/prima.
A conventionally defined time interval in a schedule. Prime-time television has two- to four-hour-long timeslots.··To allocate to one or more timeslots. available time slot - Traduzione in italiano – Dizionario Linguee For example, the poor consideration of the distinctiveness of the selected region with some Towns that do not belong to the involved medical health-care area, the total number of residents which is rather small and the choice made to offer the service only during the time slot in the off-peak morning hours.
Prime time — or primetime is the block of programming on television during the middle of the evening.Friday night death slot — The Friday night death slot is a perceived graveyard slot in American television, referring to the concept that a television program in the United States scheduled... Keychain - Prime Time - скачать песню бесплатно и слушать…